ResxWrap - CRL Resource Wrapper

License: BSD License


ResxWrap is utility makes working with textual .NET resources easier and robust. It generates documented wrapper classes on C# for common language runtime binary .resources files.


Microsoft Visual Studio .NET does not contain any facilities for automatic verification that all the strings used in the code (referenced by resource entry names) are defined in the resource files. ResxWrap utility is a solution for the problem.

C# 1.0 is used as programming language. Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0/1.1 is used to develop this utility. The utility is to support all OS platforms Microsoft .NET Framework works on.

The following major features are included in the utility:

The utility uses common language runtime binary .resources files to retrieve the list of textual resources available. It uses for that purpose the functionality provided by Microsoft .NET Framework.

The last version of the sources of the project is possible to download here.

See the following link if you want to read more about the project: " How to make the usage of textual resources in .NET easy and robust".

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